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Digital Heritage
Public User, Lummi NationCategory
Native Sciences & Technology, Sovereignty/Governance, Ways of LifeSummary
The Scha'nexw Elhtal'nexw Salmon People teaching guide is an instructional resource that provides middle and high school teachers with the necessary information to understand and teach the film.
Digital Heritage
Public User, Lummi NationCategory
Native Sciences & Technology, Ways of LifeSummary
Sadie Olsen shares about how Whiteswan Environmental utilizes plants for programs and tools, and gives the audience insight on her own personal experience with plants and how they've helped her over time.
Digital Heritage
Public User, Lummi Nation, Swinomish Indian Tribal CommunityCategory
Native Sciences & Technology, Ways of LifeSummary
This episode will be the first of the Salmon People series where we share the voices of strong Indigenous youth who reflect on their cultural ties to salmon and vocalize why we must take action to save this crucial relative for the ecosystem and culture.