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Digital Heritage
Public User, Lummi NationCategory
Ways of LifeSummary
Follow the story of Sk'aliCh'elh-tenaut, the orca also known as Tokitae or Lolita. Stolen from her family in 1970, this Puget Sound orca was sold to the Miami Aquarium where she performed for over 50 years, told by author Ellie Kinley.
Digital Heritage
Public User, Lummi NationCategory
Native Sciences & Technology, Sovereignty/Governance, Ways of LifeSummary
The Scha'nexw Elhtal'nexw Salmon People teaching guide is an instructional resource that provides middle and high school teachers with the necessary information to understand and teach the film.
Digital Heritage
Public User, Lummi NationCategory
Ways of LifeSummary
KPFA Community Powered Radio in Berkeley California sits down with filmmaker Beth Pielert and Children of the Setting Sun founder Darrell Hillaire to discuss the feature length film Scha'nexw Elhtal'nexw Salmon People: Preserving a Way of Life
Digital Heritage
Public User, Lummi NationCategory
Ways of LifeSummary
Through time immemorial our people and ancestors have used the oral tradition of storytelling to pass down history, values, language, and culture to each generation. 
Digital Heritage
Public User, Lummi NationCategory
Native Sciences & Technology, Ways of LifeSummary
Sadie Olsen shares about how Whiteswan Environmental utilizes plants for programs and tools, and gives the audience insight on her own personal experience with plants and how they've helped her over time.Digital Heritage
Lummi Nation, Public UserCategory
Art & ExpressionSummary
The Story Pole is a ceremonial totem pole originally carved by Samuel Cagey Jr., a beloved Lummi Elder, and is now being completed by Jason LaClair, acclaimed Coast Salish artist.
Digital Heritage
Public User, Lummi Nation, Nooksack Indian TribeCategory
Ways of LifeSummary
Gather round! In this special Christmas episode, immerse yourself in the spirit of the holidays with a collection of short stories created by the Young and Indigenous team. 
Digital Heritage
Public User, Lummi NationCategory
Art & Expression, Wellness & ResilienceSummary
Isabella gets deep with Jason LaClair, learning about his life creating Coast Salish art and his journey to wellness.Digital Heritage
Public User, Lummi NationCategory
Wellness & ResilienceSummary
This film explores the historical strengths and resilience of Coast Salish people.
Digital Heritage
Public User, Lummi Nation, Nooksack Indian TribeCategory
Ways of LifeSummary
Join us for an authentic conversation on Thanksgiving with Noelani Auguston. We’ll discuss history, personal stories, and embracing cultural diversity in this holiday reflection.
Digital Heritage
Public User, Lummi NationCategory
Sovereignty/Governance, Wellness & ResilienceSummary
In this episode we discuss and honor Indigenous' Peoples Day
Digital Heritage
Public User, Lummi Nation, Lower Elwha Klallam TribeCategory
Ways of LifeSummary
The YAI team got to sit down with a couple of our friends from The Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe to talk about their experiences, hear their stories, and learn what Canoe Journey means to them.