This powerful short film traces the ongoing struggle of Native fishing nations to defend their treaty rights, from the Fish Wars of the 1960s to present-day protests, affirming fishing as a sovereign right and cultural lifeline.
This short film explores the cultural and ecological importance of sockeye salmon and reef net fishing to the Lummi Nation, highlighting the deep ties between fishing traditions, family lineage, and Indigenous identity.
Teaching Guide and Educational segments organized for teachers, in compliance with the Washington Office of Superintendent Public Instruction (OSPI), under the Since Time Immemorial Mandate.
Native Sciences & Technology, Sovereignty/Governance, Ways of Life
The Scha'nexw Elhtal'nexw Salmon People teaching guide is an instructional resource that provides middle and high school teachers with the necessary information to understand and teach the film.
KPFA Community Powered Radio in Berkeley California sits down with filmmaker Beth Pielert and Children of the Setting Sun founder Darrell Hillaire to discuss the feature length film Scha'nexw Elhtal'nexw Salmon People: Preserving a Way of Life
Vice-Chairwoman, Kadi Bizyayeva, talks about the relationship between Chinook Salmon and Stillaguamish Culture as part of the Tribal Health and Wellness series.
Kadi Bizyayeva discusses the types of hatcheries that different tribes use. She further goes into detail about which kind the Stillaguamish tribe uses, and the hatcheries desired outcomes.
Public User, Lummi Nation, Swinomish Indian Tribal Community
Native Sciences & Technology, Ways of Life
This episode will be the first of the Salmon People series where we share the voices of strong Indigenous youth who reflect on their cultural ties to salmon and vocalize why we must take action to save this crucial relative for the ecosystem and culture.
In 2022, Children of the Setting Sun Productions created a documentary film series, Tribal Approaches to Wellness. This film highlights the fishing culture and practices of the Stillaguamish Tribe, as the salmon connects to wellness and ways of life.