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Digital Heritage
Public User, Lummi NationCategory
Ways of LifeSummary
In this first episode of the YAI podcast we talk about learning the language of our Native American culture: we are the Lummi people from the Pacific Northwest in Bellingham Washington. 
Digital Heritage
Public UserCategory
Wellness & ResilienceSummary
In this episode, actor Sam Bob shares his journey of healing from residential school trauma, the importance of love-based behavior to break cycles of intergenerational trauma, and his insights on acting, including the power of storytelling.
Digital Heritage
Public User, Lummi NationCategory
Ways of LifeSummary
Lummi Nation member Mark Julius shares his inspiring life story in this episode of Young and Indigenous, reflecting on growing up in poverty with 14 siblings, fending for themselves as kids, and finding joy swimming in the Nooksack River each day.Digital Heritage
Public UserCategory
In 2022, Oren Lyons visited Lummi Nation to discuss the history of Onondaga Nation's sovereignty and the Haudenosaunee Confederacy.
Digital Heritage
Public User, Lummi NationCategory
Ancestral Homelands, Ways of LifeSummary
In this podcast episode I’m sitting down with one of our dearest and beloved elders, Juanita Jefferson, who tells many stories from her time.