Washington State Poet Laureate and Lummi Nation member Rena Priest shares the beauty of childhood, the nurturing power of culture, and encouragement for future writers in this inspiring interview with WyKeklyaa Curleybear.
In this episode, actor Sam Bob shares his journey of healing from residential school trauma, the importance of love-based behavior to break cycles of intergenerational trauma, and his insights on acting, including the power of storytelling.
S'Klallam and Lummi Tribal member Elaine Grinnell captivates us with her singing and storytelling, sharing life lessons like the whale story and the salmon story, which explains the origin of the salmon's hooked nose.
Lummi Nation member Mark Julius shares his inspiring life story in this episode of Young and Indigenous, reflecting on growing up in poverty with 14 siblings, fending for themselves as kids, and finding joy swimming in the Nooksack River each day.
Native Sciences & Technology, Sovereignty/Governance, Ways of Life
The Scha'nexw Elhtal'nexw Salmon People teaching guide is an instructional resource that provides middle and high school teachers with the necessary information to understand and teach the film.
In this episode we talk with Alexander Harris of RE Sources. Alexander is a conservationist who has worked on various policy issues ranging from public forest management and wildfire mitigation to ecological forest management and climate mitigation.
Sadie Olsen shares about how Whiteswan Environmental utilizes plants for programs and tools, and gives the audience insight on her own personal experience with plants and how they've helped her over time.
Darrell Gray and James van der Voort from the Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association (NSEA) share the challenges and successes that the organization has had in their conservation efforts against Climate Change.